In-person and online


I LOVE helping people jump timelines.

If you need help shifting something in your life but don’t know how, if you need help breaking through to your next level, if you need a good dose of clarity and motivation and wisdom and getting into the flow of change and abundance and opportunities opening up, let’s do a Breakthrough session!

I tell people this session helps people “jump timelines” because we jump you from your current state and projected future to a new state and trajectory that is more in alignment with what you want to create in your life.

Creating your future starts in your present moment, and I’m really good at getting people on that path or new timeline so that your life changes around you for the better.

I have helped people shift their future to include finishing and publishing their book (months ahead of schedule!), buying a retreat center within a few months of doing a session with me, moving from an unhealthy living situation (and the client received a text DURING our session that lead to the housing situation changing almost immediately), as well as many other big life changes that seemed stuck or impossible before our session.

Let me help you break through all of the stuck energy and start changing your life right away.
My Breakthrough sessions are 1.5 hours long and we go deep and move a LOT. Like, be prepared for immediate unblocking of stagnancy.
Be prepared for life to change right away.

And also we have fun! 😂


If you’re interested in doing a session with me, click the link below! My books are open for a limited time. I would love to work with you!